App Clips
Image — Reference from Apple
What is App Clips?
App clips are great way for users to quickly access your app. It’s give you opportunity to quickly demonstrate key feature of your app. It’s small part of your app which is discoverable when it’s needed. App clips are fast & lightweight, so you can open and access it quickly.
How it works?
App clips are present to user when it’s required. It also works based on location. So when you close to any specified location, application will automatically prompt you to access app-clips interface. If you tapped on it it will open app-clips interface where you can do you quick operation. And that’s it. After task completion it will prompt user to download full app. If user want to download then user can download it from App Store. So, in-short no need of full application to be installed, you can use app-clips interface.
What is App Clip Codes?
App clips codes provide beautiful and distinct way to represent your concept of application. It will notify users there are app-clips support, os user scan that code, and it will quickly open app-clips interface to users. After that user can do whatever operation that he want and finish. As simple as you want.
What are different ways to invoke App clips?
- NFC Tag
- Visual Codes
- Safari
- Messages
- Maps
- Location
Where App Clips Used?
- Restaurant Application
You have food-delivery application, you would to give users to take-out food from restaurant. Simply create App clips which discover when user close to that restaurant it will prompt user to take-out food from restaurant. If user tapped on notification it will open app-clips for user and user order food quickly. After operation app-clips are disappear. This provide seamless & location based interface to users.
2. Renting a Scooter
Apple shows Spin app on their demonstration, when you are close to bicycle, It will prompt Spin app, if you tapped on it, it will quickly open app-clips are provide you interface to book cycle and pay for it. This provide quick access to your application feature without need of full application installation.
As per your app requirement you can provide small part of your application interface for app clips.
What feature I can integrate with App Clips?
App clips works with Apple Pay, Sign in with Apple. So you have application that allow users to quickly book ride, order food, purchase items, buy grocery then you can introduce app-clips interface for that part of app. And provide easy and quick way to do user expectation.
What framework I can use in App Clips?
App clips allow you to use SwiftUI and UIKit framework.
How to create App clips for your application?
Following link provide by apple give you detail information about adding app clips to your application.