Image reference from — React Native Official Website
What’s new in React Native 0.63.0?
React Native comes with new feature & improvements.
- LogBox
- Pressable
- Native Colors (PlatformColor, DynamicColorIOS)
- Dropping iOS 9 and Node.JS 8 support
- Other improvements
# LogBox -
LogBox is redesigned Redbox, yellow box logging experience. It comes with,
- Log Notification:
Completely redesign warning notification and support of errors, so console.log and console.warn messages show up as notification instead of covering whole UI in app.
- Code Frames
Now warnings and error include code frame that shows code right in the app to quickly identify lines & function.
- Component Stacks
Now, you can see component static right in the application along with error messages to help you to identify parent component.
- Stack Frame Collapsing
Collapse code stack which are not related to your actual code, so you can easily identify error right in the app.
- Syntax Error Formatting
Improved formatting for errors, added syntax highlighting so you can see the source of the error, fix it.
YelloBox API changed to LogBox API’s.
- YellowBox.ignoreLogs([]) replaced to LogBox.ignoreLogs()
- console.disableYellowBox replaced to LogBox.ignoreAllLogs()
# Pressable -
Touchable components — Button, TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity, TouchableNativeFeedback, and TouchableBounce now more simple. Pressable support to detect various types of interections. New design API will identify state of application include hover, blur, focus, and more.
import { Pressable, Text } from ‘react-native’;
<Pressable onPress={() => { console.log(‘pressed’); }}
style={({ pressed }) => ({
backgroundColor: pressed ? ‘lightskyblue’ : ‘white’
<Text style={styles.text}>Press Me!</Text>
# Native Colors (PlatformColor, DynamicColorIOS)
Same like native platform, React Native has the concept of System — Defined Colors using Appearance API. PlatformColor() API work like any other color in React Native.
import { Text, PlatformColor } from ‘react-native’;
<Text style={{ color: PlatformColor(‘labelColor’) }}>
Welcome KPITENGl
# Dropping iOS 9 and Node.JS 8 support
New release dropping support of iOS 9. You need to update your .podfile and project settings according. Also dropping support of NodeJS 8.0 LTS. So you need to migrate to 10.x.
# Other improvements
Changed iOS LaunchScreen from .xib to storyboard
All content reference from React Native Office Website —
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